Winslow Homer (1836 -1910)
An Open Window, 1872
Oil on canvas, 18 x 14 in
Portland Museum of Art
The same model as in the painting Morning Glories stands near an open window wearing a black dress with a white lace shawl characteristic of Dutch 17th century costume. The descendants of Dutch settlers in Hurley held onto their Dutch culture and language well into the 19th century. A series of paintings with a window theme offered Homer the opportunity to study contrasts between darkness and light, interior and exterior, and geometric and human forms.
Winslow Homer (1836 -1910)
At the Window, 1872
Oil on canvas, 22.4 x 15.7 in
Princeton University Art Museum
Along with The Open Window, this painting is one of a series that Homer made with the same model in the same dress by the same window. The young woman sits in the the same slat-back great chair as you see in The Family Record wood engraving. These details strongly tie the painting to the George Wynkoop homestead and therefore to Hurley.
Even today, this 18th century New York slat-back great chair looks quite at home at the Wynkoop homstead in Hurley. Very similar to the chair depicted in At the Window to the left, this example is also attributed to the Elting Beekman workshops in Kingston, NY. The same chair appears in The Family Record, At the Window, and An Open Window, giving them all an iron-clad connection to Hurley. (Chair courtesy of Viola Opdahl, photo: Gail Whistance and Reilly Rhodes 2020)